> 春节2024 > 回家过年还能来北京吗英文





When you arrive in Beijing, you can use the following expressions:

  • arrive in Beijing
  • get to Beijing
  • reach Beijing

These phrases can be used interchangeably to convey the idea of arriving in Beijing.



  • Peking Duck——北京烤鸭
  • Peking Opera——京剧
  • Peking University——北京大学





To express \"Welcome you and your family to Beijing, the capital of China!\", we can say:

\"Wish you and your family members a warm welcome to Beijing, the capital of China.\" Please note that \"welcome\" here should not be used as a verb to mean \"greet or receive someone\". In this context, it is expressing good wishes.


Translation 1: \"We would be delighted if you could come to Beijing, especially if we can reach an agreement. It would make us very happy.\"


Dear Jimmy,

I\'m absolutely thrilled to hear that you\'ll be visiting Beijing this Christmas. My mother is over the moon with excitement! She can\'t wait to show you around and introduce you to all our favorite places. It\'s going to be an unforgettable experience!

【英语翻译:在去北京的路上,是\"in way to Beijing\",还是\"in the way to Beijing\"?】

Neither of them is correct. The correct phrase is \"on one\'s way to Beijing.\" We use \"on one\'s way to\" to indicate that someone is en route to a particular destination. For example, \"I\'m on my way to Beijing\" means that the person is currently traveling to Beijing.


If you simply want to express your desire to go to Beijing, you can use the following phrases:

  • I want to go to Beijing.
  • I would like to go to Beijing.
  • I\'d like to go to Beijing. (abbreviated form)

These phrases clearly convey your intention to visit Beijing.

“我明天要去北京”用英语怎么说?是应该说\"I\'m going to Beijing tomorrow.\"还是\"I\'m going to go to Beijing tomorrow.\"?

When expressing the future tense of \"I\'m going to Beijing tomorrow,\" we don\'t need to use the additional \"go.\" The correct phrase is \"I\'m going to Beijing tomorrow.\" Using \"go\" in this sentence is unnecessary and grammatically incorrect.


To translate \"I am from Beijing, China\" into English, you can say \"I am from Beijing, China.\" This simple sentence conveys the message clearly.